For the last couple weeks, I felt a bit disorganized with my blog posts. Finding a topic to write about every day can be tricky! I try to write about things that I’m passionate about; something that my readers would actually like to read. I knew that I needed better organization of my thoughts and ideas for posts and got to work on a solution. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to my…
My new weekly printable blog planner, found here, is working wonders! I printed a bunch out and fill them in whenever a great idea comes to mind. They have been SO extremely helpful!
Here’s some of it’s features:
- A checklist for each daily post: write post, add photos, proof & edit, schedule,
- an area to keep track of what social media platforms you will post the content to: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter,
- a spot where you can add addition tasks (and check them off when completed!),
- and space to jot down ideas for your next week on your blog!
Not to mention, it’s super cute and looks great on my desk, in my purse, etc.! I invite you to keep your blog organized with this pretty & practical weekly blog planner!
Happy Blogging!