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  1. Ahhh I knew it! I’m so happy for both of you!
    Your first renovation is stunning! I seriously can’t wait to see what you do with your new home! My husband and I are looking to remodel our kitchen and I’ll be following along to see what brands you end up recommending!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Seriously in love with these pictures! You guys did an amazing job. Should be on HGTV. I can’t wait to see your next renovation experience! I hope you update us on your blog and IG stories!

  3. WoW! You did an amazing job. You guys are so patient… I thought the first was already nice but the after pictures are great. Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations on your new home! The on you sold is beautiful. I have no doubt that the next one will turn out even better.

  5. oh wow!! You guys did an amazing job on the first house. It just looks like a totally different place after the transformation. I really liked what you did with the garden as well. It looks like a great place to hang out.

  6. How exciting!! Congratulations on buying a new home. What an amazing job you did on the first one. I’m sure the next one will turn out great too.

  7. Oh wow, you have entirely changed the way your home looked like. I would love to live there, it looks so modern and airy. I hope your new one is the same.

  8. you’ve done a beautiful job on your home… what an improvement!
    I can’t wait to buy my next home and renovate it similar to your style ; )
    great work!

  9. Congratulations on your new house purchase – your old house looks gorgeous I can see why it went for over the asking price

  10. OMG! The renovations are absolutely gorgeous! I love the changes you guys made. It looks like a whole new place. And congrats on the new home!

  11. wooooooooow! the transformation loooks really amazing. i also love the location because so many greens surrounding the home. it really feels like home to be in your home.. gotta pin this post! <3

    cha @

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